Panasonic ProClub - Online manual
Admin for Keyusers

Forum admin for Keyusers

Keyusers can create and edit forums and subforums configuration from the tab 'Service -> Forum Structure'. They will be able to:



Forums and Subforums: Existing forums are highlighted in bold. Just below appear the subforums (if the forum has any). Under the title appear the profiles that have access to the forum or subforum.


Forum/Subforums status: A tag/label appearsto the right of the forum or subforum:

: The forum/subforum is active and ProClub users and keyusers can create topics and post replies.

: The forum/subforum is deactivated and ProClub users and keyusers can't view the forum/subforum. Important!: If a forum is deactivated, it will affect its subforums too. That means that neither its subforums will be visible.

: Keyuser have to approve/deny the new topics and replies before their publication.

: PRO CLub Users and keyusers can't create topics and post replies.


Total messages: The total number of messages posted in the forum or subforum.


Pending messages: They just appear if the forum or subforum is moderated. It refers to the number of pending messages to be reviewed and approved/denied by keyuser before their publication. When keyusers click on 'pending messages' number, they will be able to see them and approve/deny them by click on 'Accept' or 'Deny'.


 Options: Possibity to add a subforum '+' or edit the existing one .


Create a new forum

From the button 'New Forum' keyusers can create a new forum:



Title: Forum's title

Description: This text will appear on PROClub website, below forum's title.

Moderate forum: If this function is enabled means that keyuser has to approve/deny the new topics and replies before their publication.

Block forum: If this function is enabled means that the forum is visible but users can't post new topics and replies.

User access: The forum will be available only for selected profiles.

Activate/Deactivate: It enables/disables the forum. If it's deactivated will not be visible in PROClub website by any profile and this mark will appear next to forum's title .


Create a subforum

Once a forum is created, keyusers can create as many subforums as needed by clicking at ' + ' ('Add subforum').





Title: Subforum's title

Description: This text will appear on PROClub website, below subforum's title.

Moderate subforum: If this function is enabled means that keyuser has to approve/deny the new topics and replies before their publication.

Block subforum: If this function is enabled means that the subforum is visible but users can't post new topics and replies.

User access: The subforum will be available only for selected profiles.

Activate/Deactivate: It enables/disables the subforum. If it's deactivated will not be visible in PROClub website by any profile and this mark will appear next to subforum's title .
















European Forum

'European Forum' is a permanent forum exclusive for:

Only 'Super Key Users' can edit this forum from 'Default' admin -> Service -> Forum - Structure


Notifications system





See Also